On the Road

  • Keep your car in gear, doors locked, windows rolled up.
  • Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, especially at intersections and stop lights.
  • Park in areas that will be well lit when you return.
  • There is safety in numbers! Walk with friends or a in a group.
  • If you are being followed, don’t drive home or get out. Drive to the nearest police station, open store or business for help. Try to note the license number and description of the car and persons following you.
  • Don’t advertise. If you are out at night, don’t wear expensive or fancy looking jewelry. This is an invitation to trouble.
  • If someone tries to get in your car while you are stopped – drive away quickly.
  • Don’t use ATM machines at night. Plan ahead and get your cash during safer times. Use ATM machines that are very visible. Avoid isolated ATM machines.
  • When using valet parking, provide the parking clerk with the valet key that most car manufacturers provide now. This prevents strangers from looking in your glove compartment and trunk and finding personal information.
  • Walk in open, well lit areas.
  • Avoid carrying a purse, if you can