Sponsor & Exhibitor Information

Bronze Sponsor Package – (Cash Donation of $600) 

    • Recognition at the NRC, as well as an option to place inserts in the NRC attendee registration packets.
    • 6′ vendor display table at the NRC.
    • Logo and link recognition on the CARI Website, NRC Booklet & CARI Directory.

Silver Sponsor Package (Cash Donation of $1500) 

Includes all the above plus:

    • Special recognition from CARI during opening remarks at the NRC.
    • Option of a vendor display table at the NRC.
    • Half page color ad in the NRC Booklet & CARI Directory.
    • Insert in the NRC attendee registration packets.
    • One complimentary registration at the NRC.

Gold Sponsor Package (Cash Donation of $2500)

Includes all the above plus:

    • 5 minute presentation in front of the NRC audience.
    • Option of a highly visible vendor display table at the NRC.
    • Full page color ad in the NRC Booklet and CARI Directory.
    • Two complimentary registrations to the NRC.

Platinum Sponsor Package (Cash Donation of $5000)

Includes all the above plus:

  • Special recognition from CARI during the opening and closing remarks at the NRC.
  • 15-minute presentation in front of the NRC audience.
  • Three complimentary registrations to the NRC.

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